Assistance in coordination or Managing life stage transitions and support
Assistance in coordination or Managing life stage transitions and support Service
We know that transitioning to a new stage of life is a challenging time for anyone, and if you have a disability, it can be that much harder. At Love Life Counselling we excel at helping NDIS participants through life stage transitions. There are many transition points throughout a lifetime – starting school, leaving home, getting that first job, or retiring from work, for example. You can benefit at each of these stages of life with a planned approach that examines individual abilities, needs and goals. With proper planning and networking, we can support you through life’s transitions and on to achieving your goals.
Our Assistance in coordination or Managing life stage transitions and support Services Support You to our Clients
We can work with participants and their families to prepare schedules for daily, weekly and longer‐term support, ensuring that, at all stages, their supports are assisting them in the achievement of their goals. We can also assist with budgeting processes, including planning for expenses, making payments for one‐off purchases and setting up payment arrangements for ongoing supports.
One of the most common life transitions is into the workforce or into a new job. Gaining employment while you’re on the NDIS is possible and is an easier transition with the help of our highly professional and supportive team. We can be with you all the way, from improving your skills to applying for work, and even helping you get to interviews. We can help you identify your skill strengths and weaknesses, and create a strategy to build them up to the best of your ability.
Our personal HAYEE GROUP Services offer assistance with activities such as:
Our Life Stage Transition program includes short- and long-term support that focuses on assistance to live at home, community participation, and helping you to coordinate your own support. This includes:
- We can assist participants with:
Capacity building skills
Development of independent self-care and living skills
Crisis and conflict resolution
Financial mentoring
Daily planning and Budgeting
Establish supportive networks in a client’s community circle
Linkage support to other supportive community services and programs
Life planning and goal planning
Assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations
Life transition planning including mentoring, peer support and individual skill development
Assistance with decision making
Assistance in coordination or Managing life stage transitions and support for All Needs :
Our team is multi‐skilled, professional and well‐ placed to provide high quality, meaningful support and services for each participant and their family. Our team’s qualifications in nursing, psychology, social work and project management, coupled with over 30 years of experience working in the disability sector, ensure they have the skills, knowledge and insight to provide a service that is responsive and tailored to each individual’s circumstances.
Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transition and supports include short and long-term supports that focus on strengthening the participant’s ability to coordinate their supports, and to assist them to live at home and participate in their community.
Let our experienced HAYEE GROUP Services help your family today. Contact our team to learn more!