HAYEE GROUP Sevices Provide specialised programme to support people with learning disabilities find paid work and to develop work skills.
We works with individuals to find out what job they want to do, provide practical training, work placements and support in finding paid work. They also help with in-work support and travel to work training.
If you live with disability, there are a few ways to access employment services as an area of support. In Australia, there are two main systems of providing employment support to people with disability. This page is designed to help you understand the key differences between the NDIS and Disability Employment Services to make sure you know which service is going to be right for you
Disability Employment Services (DES)
Disability Employment Services are available to people with disability to support them as they look for work. Whilst the NDIS provides multiple types of support, DES is specific to finding employment.
Depending on the level of support you need, you will be able to access either the Disability Management Service or the Employment Support Service. This will be assessed through a disability assessment to ensure you receive the level of support that's right for you.
Our personal HAYEE GROUP Services offer assistance with activities such as:
- It’s important to find a provider that suits you. Our service is all about understanding you and your goals. We want to do more than find you a job, we want to help you achieve your career and life goals.
- We’ll take the time to get to know you, understand your skills and abilities and what kind of support suits you best. Together we will come up with a plan to set you on a path towards the right job.
- We’ll stick with you once you’re in work, continuing to assist both you and your employer. We go the extra mile to understand your new workplace and any potential challenges, so you have the best chance of success.
Specialised support employment for All Needs
Disability Employment Services are available to people with disability to support them as they look for work. Whilst the NDIS provides multiple types of support, DES is specific to finding employment.
Depending on the level of support you need, you will be able to access either the Disability Management Service or the Employment Support Service. This will be assessed through a disability assessment to ensure you receive the level of support that's right for you.
Let our experienced HAYEE GROUP Services help your family today. Contact our team to learn more!