Home modification incorporates design and subsequent changes to the participant's home. Home modification design and construction includes installation of equipment or changes to building structures, fixtures to enable participants to live as independently as possible and live safely at home.
We offer Community Nursing specialist care for participants who have high care needs and train support workers to respond to the participant’s complex needs. This way we can fulfil the wants and needs of our participants without encountering training barriers.
Participants have access to assisted travel including the rental of an adapted vehicle if required. This ensures the prompt arrival to appointments, social gatherings, and all other commitments.
We assist participants in actively partaking in community, social and civic activities; this also includes supporting participants during these activities and developing participants’ ability to partake in these activities without assistance.
Development of daily living and life skills focuses on training and development activities undertaken by the participant or their carer to increase their ability to live as autonomously as possible, including supports that will enhance the ability of the participant to travel and use public transport independently.
Our specialised driving instructor can deliver quality training to our participants who wants to be able to drive. This allows for increased independence and reliance on oneself.
This registration group incorporates assistance with and/or supervising tasks of daily life in a shared living environment, which is either temporary or ongoing, with a focus on developing the skills of each individual to live as autonomously as possible.
We assist in fulfilling essential tasks that the participant is not able to undertake independently. These may include meal preparation and delivery, house or yard maintenance and cleaning.
This registration group includes short and long-term supports that focus on strengthening the participant’s ability to coordinate their supports, and to assist them to live at home and participate in their community.
We assist with and/or supervise the personal tasks of daily life to assist the participant in reaching an adequate level of independence. These supports are provided by a worker with additional qualifications and experience relevant to the participants’ complex needs. These individual supports can be provided in a range of environments, including but not limited to, the participant’s own home.
We encourage and help participants to partake in group-based community, social and recreational activities. This not only breeds a sense a belonging but also allows for wider community involvement.
We help our participants with accommodation/tenancy needs. Please contact us for further information regarding eligibility.